General Resources
Macdougall, J. D. 2011. Why Geology Matters: Decoding the Past, Anticipating the Future . University of California Press, Berkeley, 285 pp.
NASA Earth Observatory Natural Hazards map . (Monthly images of Earth hazards occurring globally.).
General Resources for Specific Areas of the South Central US
Geohazards [of Arkansas] , Arkansas Geological Survey.
Geologic Hazards in Missouri: Earthquakes, Sinkholes, Landslides, Abandoned Mines, 2014 , Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Geological Survey.
Luza, K. V., & K. S. Johnson. 2008. Geologic hazards in Oklahoma . Oklahoma Geological Survey, Educational Publication 9.
Geology and Hurricane-protection Strategies in the Greater New Orleans Area , Louisiana Geological Survey, Public Information Series No. 11, 32 pp.
Gulf Coast Hurricane Preparedness, 2014 , National Weather Service Mobile/Pensacola, National Weather Service, NOAA, US Department of Commerce.
Historical Hurricane Tracks .
Hurricanes: Online Meteorology Guide , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Hurricaneville: The Source for Hurricane Information . (Wide variety of information about recent and historic hurricanes.).
National Hurricane Center , National Weather Service.
The Official Louisiana Hurricane Survival Guide, Southwest Louisiana Edition , 2010, National Weather Service, NOAA, US Department of Commerce.
The Official Texas Hurricane Guide, Southeast Texas Edition , 2014, National Weather Service, NOAA, US Department of Commerce.
Tropical Cyclone Tracker , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Interactive track of cyclones 1950 - 2007.).
Coastal Hazards and Processes
Coastal Hazards , Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS).
Losing Louisiana: Our Land Keeps Sinking Because of Subsidence, While the Gulf is Rising Due to Global Warming , 2008, The Times-Picayune Greater New Orleans.
Louisiana Coastal Land Loss Simulation 1932 - 2050 (video, 6:39), Louisiana Geological Survey.
Louisiana Coastal Wetlands: A Resource At Risk , USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program.
StormSmart Coasts . (Resource for coastal decision makers.).
Subsidence and Wetland Loss Related to Fluid Energy Production, Gulf Coast Basin , St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, US Geological Survey.
Expansive Soils
Highland, L. 2004. Landslide types and processes . US Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2004-3072, 4 pp.
Arkansas Earthquake Updates , Arkansas Geological Survey.
Darold, A. P., A. A. Holland, J. K. Morris, & A. R. Gibson. 2015. Oklahoma Earthquake Summary Report 2014 , Oklahoma Geological Survey Open-File Report OF1-2015.
Earthquake Hazard in the New Madrid Seismic Zone Remains a Concern , US Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3071.
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) education and public outreach .
IRIS Seismic Monitor , Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS).
New Madrid 1811 - 1812 Earthquakes , Earthquake Hazards Program.
Stevenson, D. A., & R. P. McCulloh. 2001. Earthquakes in Louisiana . Louisiana Geological Survey, Public Information Series 7, 8 pp.
Stover, C. W., & J. L. Coffman. 1993. Seismicity of the United States, 1568 - 1989 (revised) . US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1527, 418 pp.
Today in Earthquake History , Earthquake Hazards Program, US Geological Survey. (Content abridged from Stover & Coffman, 1993.).
US Earthquake Monitor , US Geological Survey.
USGS National Earthquake Information Center , US Geological Survey.
Johnson, K. S. 2013. Salt karst and collapse structures in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma and Texas . In: L. Land, D. H. Doctor, & J. B. Stephenson (eds.), Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst , Proceedings of the Thirteenth Multidisciplinary Conference, National Cave and Karst Research Institute Symposium 2.
The Science of Sinkholes , US Geological Survey, 2013.
Wines, M. 2013. Ground gives way, and a Louisiana town struggles to find its footing . New York Times, 26 September 2013, p. A1.
Earth Hazards Teaching Resources
Impact of Natural Disasters on the Earth , J. Radke, Hamline University Graduate School of Education MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection.
Investigating Speed and Acceleration Using Tornado Tubes , Hamline University Graduate School of Education MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection.
Karst Formation , City of Austin Youth Education Resources.
Landslide Hazards Program , US Geological Survey.
Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes , L. Gilbert, J. Galster, & J. Ramage, SERC module on hurricane hazards.
Radon activities from the Alabama Radon Program , Alabama and Auburn Universities Extension.
Science Serving Coastal Communities , The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS).
Teaching Quantitative Concepts in Floods and Flooding , SERC Resources for Undergraduate Students and Faculty.
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