Glacial Landscapes
The interaction of glaciers with the landscape is a complex process. Glaciers alter landscapes by eroding, transporting, and depositing rock and sediment. Scouring abrades bedrock and removes sediment, while melting causes the ice to deposit sediment. Glacial features like moraines, drumlins, and kettles occasionally break the pattern of gently rolling hills found in most of the Midwest north of Kansas and Missouri (Figure 6.3). Even in areas where glaciers did not reach, glacial runoff changed the landscape— meltwater loaded with abrasive sediment carved the landscape, making it more rugged.
See Chapter 4: Topography to learn more about the marks glaciers left on the South Central’s landscape.
Continental glaciers also affect the landscape by depressing the Earth’s crust with their enormous mass, just as a person standing on a trampoline will cause the center to bulge downwards. The effect is quite substantial, with surfaces being lowered by hundreds of meters. Of course, this means that when the glacier retreats and the mass is removed, the crust will rise to its former height in a process known as isostasy (Figure 6.4). Dramatic results include marine reefs lifted high above sea level and marine sediments composing coastal bluffs.
Thousands of years of scraping by ice can have dramatic, and sometimes dramatically varied, effects on a landscape. Glaciers erode the land they flow over via abrasion and plucking. Harder bedrock will be scratched and polished by sediment stuck in the ice, while frost wedging, when water freezes and expands in cracks, can eventually break chunks of rock away. Softer bedrock is much more easily carved and crushed. Abrasion, or scouring, occurs when rock fragments in the ice erode bedrock as the glacier moves over it. Plucking involves glaciers literally pulling rock from underlying bedrock. The flowing ice cracks and breaks rock as it passes over, pieces of which become incorporated in the sheet or bulldozed forward, in front of the glacier’s margin. The less resistant rock over which glaciers move is often eroded and ground-up into very fine sand and clay (called rock flour). Once eroded, this material is carried away by the ice and deposited wherever it melts out.
More resistant igneous and metamorphic rock is often polished and scratched by the grinding action of sediments trapped in the glacial ice. Streams of meltwater from the glacier, frequently gushing and full of sediment, cause significant amounts of scour as well. The abrasive sediments in the flowing water create potholes in the bedrock and plunge pools at the base of waterfalls. At the edge of the sheet, where the ice at last succumbs to melting, the rock is finally deposited. Piles of this rock form some of the distinctive landforms found in Kansas and Missouri today.
The nature of the glacier causing the erosion is also crucial. Because continental glaciers spread from a central accumulation zone, they cannot go around peaks in their path, so they instead slowly crush and scrape them away. For the most part, this results in flatter landscapes. Conversely, alpine glaciers tend to follow the existing topography, flowing downhill. This frequently causes them to scour existing low points, making them lower still. While this gouging increases the overall relief of an area, anything directly in the path of the ice is flattened. For example, a glacier might deepen a valley while surrounding peaks remain high, yet the valley itself, initially cut by a narrow stream into a sharp V-shape, is smoothed into a distinctive U-shape by the wider glacier.
As glaciers scrape over the earth, sediment is incorporated into or shoved ahead of the advancing ice. The unsorted mixture of boulders, gravel, sand, silt, and clay that is picked up and later deposited by glaciers is called till. It is important to note that whether a glacier is advancing, in equilibrium, or retreating, its ice is still flowing forward, like a conveyor belt that is constantly depositing till at its margin. In places where a glacier stopped its advance and then melted back, a ridge of till that had been pushed in front of it is left behind, marking the farthest extent of the glacier’s margin, or terminus. A ridge of till formed this way is called a moraine, and it may range in length from hundreds to thousands of meters (see Figure 6.3). A drumlin is a teardrop-shaped hill of till that was trapped beneath a glacier and streamlined in the direction of the flow of the ice moving over it (Figure 6.5). The elongation of a drumlin provides an excellent clue to the direction of flow during an ice sheet’s most recent advance.
Well-sorted deposits have relatively uniform grain size.
Meltwater flowing off a glacier also leaves behind deposits. Unlike till deposits, meltwater deposits are well sorted: large rocks can only be moved by high-energy water, while finer sand and mud are washed downstream until enough energy is lost so that even they are dropped. In other words, the faster the water is moving, the coarser the sediment deposited (Figure 6.6). As a glacier melts, streams of sediment-laden meltwater often create networks of braided streams in front of the glacier. Streams of meltwater flowing under a glacier can deposit sand and gravel, and when an ice sheet retreats, these snaking ridges of stream deposits, known as eskers, are left behind (Figure 6.7).

Figure 6.6: Moving water deposits sediment in what is known as a horizontally sorted pattern. As water slows (i.e., loses energy) with decreased gradient, it deposits the large particles first. The sizes in the figure represent the boundaries between categories of sediment type.
Other glacial features include kettles, kames, and erratics. Kettles are depressions left behind by the melting glacier. Blocks of ice may be broken off from the glacier and buried or surrounded by meltwater sediments (Figure 6.8). When the ice eventually melts, the overlying sediments have no support, so they frequently collapse and form a depression that often fills with water to become a lake. Kames are formed in nearly the opposite way: layers of sediment fill in depressions in the ice, leaving mound-like deposits of sorted sediment after the glacier retreats (Figure 6.9). Often, kettles and kames occur near one another.

Figure 6.7: Eskers are composed of sand and gravel deposited by streams that flowed under the ice, partially filling the sub-ice channel. When the ice melts, the sinuous deposit remains.
Erratics are rocks that the ice sheet picked up and transported farther south, sometimes hundreds of kilometers (miles) from their origin. They are often distinctive because they are a different type of rock than the bedrock found in the area to which they have been transported. For example, boulders and pebbles of igneous and metamorphic rocks are often found in areas where the bedrock is sedimentary. It is sometimes possible to locate the origin of an erratic if its composition and textures are highly distinctive. The pink-colored Sioux quartzite erratics found across much of northwestern Kansas are one such example; they originated in the area where Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa intersect.

Figure 6.8: Kettle lakes form where large, isolated blocks of ice become separated from the retreating ice sheet. The weight of the ice leaves a shallow depression in the landscape that persists as a small lake.
Periglacial Environments
The average annual air temperature in a periglacial area is between -12° and 3°C (10° and 37°F). Though the surface of the ground may melt in the summer, it refreezes in the winter.
Though little of the South Central was covered by ice sheets, much of the area felt their effects. The portion covered by the ice sheet was scoured and covered with glacial deposits, while the area south of the ice sheet developed its own distinctive landscape and features due to its proximity to the ice margin. This unglaciated but still affected area is called a periglacial zone.
There are a variety of features associated with a periglacial zone that also provide clues to the extent of the most recent ice sheet. In the tundra-like environment of a periglacial zone, aeolian, or windblown deposits, are common. Sand dunes and wind-transported sediments are found in former periglacial areas of the South Central.
The permafrost associated with the periglacial area, in which the ground is frozen much of the year, can cause mass movement of sediment. When the surface layer of the permafrost ground thaws, it is full of moisture. This water-heavy layer of soil may move rapidly down a hill in a process called solifluction.
Physical weathering is the break-up of rock due to physical processes (such as erosion by wind, water, and ice) rather than chemical processes.
Physical weathering of the bedrock is magnified in the periglacial environment because of the freeze-thaw cycles associated with permafrost. When water enters the cracks and fissures in the ground and subsequently freezes, the ice wedges the cracks farther and farther apart (Figure 6.10). Freeze-thaw is important in any climate that cycles above and below the freezing point of water. Because ice takes up more space than water, the pre-existing cracks and fractures are widened when the water freezes. Along ridges, rocks are eventually broken off as ice wedges continue to expand in joints and fractures. The boulders and blocks of bedrock roll downhill and are deposited along the slope or as fields of talus. Frost action also brings cobbles and pebbles to the surface to form nets, circles, polygons, and garlands of rocks. These unusual patterns of sorted rock are known as patterned ground. Solifluction and ice wedging are found exclusively where the ground remains perennially frozen yet is not insulated by an ice sheet. Such conditions only occur in areas adjacent to ice sheets. While conditions like these existed in parts of the South Central and must have led to the formation of patterned ground, any evidence has subsequently been covered with glacial sediment or eroded away.