de Blij, H. J., P. O. Muller, J. E. Burt, and J. A. Mason, 2013, Physical Geography of the Global Environment , Oxford University Press, New York, 626 pp.
Trimble, D. E., 1980, The Geologic Story of the Great Plain , US Geological Survey Bulletin 1493.
Wyckoff, J., 1999, Reading the Earth: Landforms in the Making , Adastra West, Mahwah, NJ, 352 pp.
Basin and Range Physiographic Province , National Park Service. (Includes Idaho.)
Colorado Plateaus Province , National Park Service.
OpenLandform Catalog , Education Resources, OpenTopography. (High resolution topographic images that may be useful in teaching.)
Rocky Mountain System Physiographic Provinces , National Park Service.
South Dakota’s Physiographic Regions , by Douglas Malo.
Teaching Geomorphology in the 21st Century, On the Cutting Edge‚ Strong Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching , SERC. (A set of resources for college level, some of which may be adaptable to secondary education.)
Teaching with Google Earth, On the Cutting Edge‚ Starting Point: Teaching Entry Level Geoscience , SERC.
United States Geography , by S. S. Birdsall & J. Florin.
State-based Resources
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