Geologic History Resources


  • Bain, George W. and Howard A. Myerhoff, 1976, The Flow of Time in the Connecticut Valley, Connecticut Valley Historical Museum: Springfield, Massachusetts.
  • McPhee, John, 1983, In Suspect Terrain, Farrar, Straus, Giroux: New York, New York.
  • Raymo, Chet and Maureen E. Raymo, 1989, Written in Stone, The Globe Pequot Press: Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
  • Redfern, Ron, 1983, The Making of a Continent, Times Books: New York, New York.


Other Resources Used in Compiling this Chapter

  • Bally, Albert W. and Allison R. Palmer, eds., 1989, The Geology of North America: An Overview, The Geological Society of America: Boulder, Colorado.
  • Dott, R.H., Jr. and D. R. Prothero, 1994, Evolution of the Earth, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc.: New York, New York.
  • Hatcher, R.D., Jr., W.A. Thomas, and G.W. Viele, eds., 1989, The Decade of North American Geology: The Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen in the United States, Volume F-2, The Geological Society of America: Boulder, Colorado.
  • Rodgers, J., 1971, The Taconic Orogeny, The Geological Society of America, Volume 82, p. 1141-1178.
  • Roy, D.C., ed., 1987, Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America: Centennial Field Guide, Volume 5, The Geological Society of America: Boulder, Colorado. 
  • Zen, White, Hadley and Thompson, eds., 1968, Studies of Appalachian Geology, Inter Science Publishers: New York, New York.

Special thanks to Robert Hatcher, Bob Darling, and Bosiljka Glumac for information and resources regarding geologic history.